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Apartment 31

"I'd sell my soul to spend one night with you."


You have been living your best life with zero neighbor problems for the longest time. Then they decided to fucking move into Apartment 31.

*Commissioned work

Content Warning & Disclaimer

Your routine was different from most people. 

There were days you went to work where everyone was either getting ready to sleep or party hard. There were days you came home as people were just about to start their day. You worked insane hours and your social life was mostly nonexistent, but you weren’t really complaining.

Those were the commandments of being a healthcare professional, and you knew all about it going in. How rewarding your job was a big enough pro to endure the cons.

If you could whine about one little, tiny, minuscule detail, that would be the fatigue of your on-call days, on which you worked 24-hour shifts. The following two days would always be blocked on your calendar to achieve obnoxiously-expensive-spa-level relaxation—you wouldn’t even answer the phone since you needed absolute tranquility, only did zen things to properly recharge yourself, and even occasionally went to the said obnoxiously expensive spa for a fatigue-killer massage.

Thankfully, the universe got you covered. Unlike the rest of the residents in your building, you didn’t have a neighbor problem, so you got to chill on the shared terrace of your floor all by yourself.

Because nobody ever rented the place across yours. 

Apartment 31 had been empty forever for a reason you found hilarious—apparently, a murder had taken place there in the ‘80s. While you understood why it would give people the creeps, not only was it literally forever ago, but the neighborhood had changed for the better. You even had concierge services by the lobby now, for fuck’s sake!

But no. Ghosts and whatever. Just in case.

The landlady eventually decided to renovate the entire place to make it more appealing. She was even kind enough to consult with you so that the construction would happen on the days you weren’t home.

“The place looks fantastic already, Ms. Greene!” you exclaimed one morning as you were headed to work, “If you don’t mind me asking, how much will you ask for rent once the renovations are over?”

Then she uttered a price so ridiculously low that your eyes popped out of their sockets. It wasn’t that you were struggling financially, but living in this neighborhood in an apartment this nice for this price?

You could book massage appointments twice a month with that money!

You made a mental note to visit Ms. Greene maybe like a week after she put up an ad and failed miserably yet again, only to appear as if you were doing her a favor. Why yes you would take such good care of her fresh-out-the-oven hardwood floors, the amazeballs kitchen, and the hot tub she put on her side of the terrace which was now divided by a fake moss-covered fence. Didn’t you already have a great relationship? Didn’t you have a stable income? You would make the perfect tenant!

However, on a Tuesday evening, you witnessed the one sight you had been dreading. Someone was moving in already.

The ad had disappeared literally on its first day up.

Goodbye, the quiet terrace nights. Farewell, the hot tub I never got to use. It’s been real.

All good things had to come to an end someday, right?

“Anybody home?” you peeked through the open door.

You let yourself in to allegedly say hello and introduce yourself when in fact you wanted to know who the fuck had the audacity to take your extra massage appointments away from you.


From the right side of the living room, a tall guy in a slender frame appeared. Slender but quite chiseled features, sharp as fuck eyes drilling holes into wherever he was looking. Definitely had one of those colder exterior, quiet type auras to him. He was indeed an eye candy despite looking younger than you, so you could maybe forgive him for ruining your plans. 

Well, you would at least consider it.

“I live across the hall. My name is Y/N,” you extended your hand for a shake, “Welcome to the building.”

“Jeongin. Pleasure,” he slightly nodded and reciprocated your greeting.

He wasn’t smiling and looked a little aloof. It could very well be the lethargy of moving in, but this Jeongin guy didn’t seem to be in the mood for socializing at all.

“Well, if you need anything, just knock on m—”

“JEONG! Where the fuck did you put the hangers? I can’t find them in my room!”

The sudden voice coming from the left side of the place gave you a terrible start, and then another guy appeared by the doorframe leading to the second bedroom. Very attractive, for sure. His voice actually had a very pleasant tone to it, reminding you of hot chocolate or burning cinnamon sticks for some reason. Nevertheless, even from the distance between you, you could see something dangerously flashing in his eyes. Trouble. Mischief. Catastrophe even. And judging by how he worded his earlier sentence, Jeongin wasn’t the only occupant of this apartment. 

There were two of them

You felt a falling sensation in the pit of your stomach all of a sudden.

“They are by your door,” Jeongin pointed at a box with a huge label that said ‘Hangers’ on it, then gestured to you, “This is Y/N. Our neighbor.”

Once the John Doe of the duo made eye contact with you, his lips parted. His eyes hastily traveled on you from head to toe as if making a quick scan, then he started walking towards you with long steps.

“Goddamn, we’re neighbors with a princess?” he extended his hand to you and introduced himself, “Seungmin. Is it okay if I knock on your door if I ever need anything?”

Despite the fact that it had been a hot minute since you were subjected to any kind of flirtation, let alone such a straightforward one, ‘The fuck kind of brazenness?’ was the first thing that popped into your mind. Compared to Jeongin, his roommate seemed more sociable. There wasn’t anything telling about the source of his overconfidence as of yet, but he was probably convinced he was a walking rizz machine.

“Uh… Sure.”

“I usually need things at night, though.”

“As long as it’s reasonable, it’s fine,” you faked a polite smile to mask the urge to slap this man into oblivion, “Once again, welcome.”

You closed the door behind you, and while fishing for your keys in your bag, Seungmin’s voice still managed to reach your ears through the barricade of their heavy front door.

“Good god, can you fucking believe how hot she is?”

You had to admit—when he said it behind your back, it wasn’t as annoying, and you did catch yourself resisting the urge to smile, but it didn’t take long before your irritation came back stronger than ever.

Their noise pollution levels were fucking insufferable. 

It started with their gaming. Every once in a while, you could hear them loudly address other people, but the only voices audible were theirs. It was probably one of those online multiplayer thingies. Even Jeongin was occasionally yelling all mad, which surprised you to no end since you didn’t even know his voice could reach those heights, or that he could get angry for that matter. It was somewhat tolerable, so you swallowed your irritation. You blasted some ASMR through your earphones for noise canceling, and voilà! No harm, no foul.

Then it was the occasional weekend parties that overflowed to the terrace area.

Obviously, everyone was entitled to their Saturday fun, and you really didn’t want to be that person, but a long-ass shift ending close to midnight would take its toll on anyone. If this was a Sims game, your Energy bar would be the darkest shade of red, and you needed peace. Period.

Then again, it wasn’t a frequent occurrence, and you really didn’t want to be a buzzkill, so you swallowed your irritation. Again.

Then something so outrageous started happening that you were gonna get fucking ulcer if you shut up about it.

It was a night as calm as it could get. Finally. You came home very late that night and immediately crashed, looking forward to some hardcore sleeping. Right before you were about to drift off to the unconscious realm, you heard it. Out of nowhere.

Someone was moaning. Loudly. A woman. Then there were grunts. A man’s. It was him for sure. The guy who claimed to have invented flirtation. 


At first, the surprise of  ‘Oh my god, they’re having sex!’ washed over you, but it stopped being erotic only mere seconds later, no different than the constant buzz of a phantom mosquito in your bedroom. Equally uninvited and unwelcome when you were craving sleep.

Sure, you could swallow it one last time. Again. Because you so didn’t want to be that person. This was probably a one-time thing anyway, right?

“Oh, fuck this,” you jumped from your bed and marched out of your apartment.

Not giving a shit about which dark AM hour you were currently in, you started banging on Apartment 31’s door nonstop as if you were the cops and they were hiding a cocaine stash from you. You didn’t mind if your knuckles bled; you were going to knock on that door until someone opened it.

“WHAT?” Seungmin finally appeared all disheveled, still slightly panting and covered in a sheen of sweat.

“Hi, remember me? Your neighbor across the hall!” you flashed a disgustingly sweet smile with clinically crazy eyes opened wide, “I just wanted to kindly ask you to FUCKING keep it down. This is not your private penthouse—there are other people residing in this building, jesus fucking CHRIST!”

Before he could produce a reply, you turned on your feet and slammed your door close. If you looked back for the briefest of seconds right at that moment, you were going to be able to see that a smirk had appeared on Seungmin’s lips, and there were several reasons for it.

He got to see you in your sleeping attire, for one. You had no bra underneath. He got to confirm his hypothesis that you would be so fucking hot when you were mad, which you were, and now you knew what he looked like right in the middle of sex.

Slowly but surely. Inceptions didn’t happen overnight.

“Seungmin, come back to bed!”

He took one look towards his bedroom door, then another at yours, and chuckled to himself while licking his lips. 

That night marked the beginning of a climbing curve towards something unexpected.

The next day you made it to your building at a relatively decent hour, yearning for the comfort of a warm shower. What you were not yearning for was a figure of Seungmin popping up like a ghost next to you out of nowhere.

“Good evening,” he greeted you with a grin, eyes flickering as mischievously as ever.

You grunted as a response, still hella mad about his complete disregard for shared living spaces. You rode the elevator in silence for five floors until he spoke again.

“How was your weekend?”

“Oh, you did not just ask me that!” you snapped way sooner than you expected, and your loud exclamation echoed in the lobby, turning the head of the concierge in your direction. Seungmin, on the other hand, wasn’t fazed one bit.

“Geez, grumpy much?” he mockingly creased his brows, “If you need me to slide your panties to the side and fuck the stress out of you just say so.”

“As if! Not everyone is as impressionable as your bimbos.”

“But you never let me impress you, princess.” 

“And I never will,” you gritted your teeth and stomped towards your front door, leaving him with a huge grin as he watched you walk away.

Two nights later, you ran into Jeongin in front of the elevator this time. Unlike Seungmin, he just nodded at you when he made eye contact without saying anything. He didn’t even attempt a greeting. Maybe he really wasn’t into human interaction after all.

As opposed to your escape attempt from Seungmin, you let Jeongin walk beside you until you reached your doors. The only sound heard was the clinking of the keys in the locks as you both turned them.

Until he talked.

“You look stunning in yellow, by the way,” he pointed at your shirt and tensed his facial muscles into a very faint smile, “You should wear this color more often.”

Then he walked away as if he didn’t say what he just said whereas you instantly blushed. 

Why the fuck were you blushing?!

Another two nights later, you chanced upon Seungmin a second time. He had that cheery grin on his face again.

“Good evening,” he greeted you.

“Good evening,” you deadpanned with even deader eyes.

“How was your day?”

Why was he trying to strike up a conversation with you though? Wasn’t a simple ‘Good evening’ enough?

And how the fuck did these guys somehow manage to catch you by the elevator around these hours every time?

“Tiring,” you curtly answered as you walked into the elevator cabin.

But then immediately regretted it.

Sure, he might have done some things to irritate you, but you were the one who didn’t address it sooner when you could have. It didn’t mean you had the right to be a bitch—it wasn’t in your disposition to be one anyway. The least you could do was exchange pleasantries like a decent human being.

“Yours?” you eventually asked without looking at him.

“I’m pretty beat myself,” he answered with a straight face, looking genuinely tired, “but I always have time for you, Anytime you want to destress, just come over. Complete free use.”

He winked and walked away to his door with quick steps. Meanwhile, you were so dumbfounded that you couldn’t even move until the closing elevator doors brought you to your senses again.

The third time you saw Seungmin, you were trying to mentally prepare yourself for what kind of bullshit he was going to spew this time.

But he didn’t say anything.

You just rode the elevator in silence just like you did with Jeongin. The fourth time he didn’t say anything either. Nor on the fifth time.

On the sixth time, you felt so uncomfortable with the awkward silence that you were the one initiating the meaningless small talk while waiting for the elevator in the lobby.

“Good evening,” you uttered with your eyes fixated on the elevator door and swallowed thickly for some reason.

“Good evening,” he responded with a carefree smile as if you had been having pleasant conversations all along, “How was your day?”

“The usual. Pretty tiring,” you scratched your nape, “Yours?”

“Also the usual,” he shrugged, “Sleep, work, thinking about you. Same old.”

You bit the insides of your mouth to stop yourself from smiling, then accompanied him into the elevator.

“I hope it’s at least in a PG context.”

He got a little too close to you while pressing the number of your floor, his gaze locked into yours as if he had another pair of eyes on the side of his head.

“How would that even be possible when you’re like some fucking tantric goddess?” he almost whispered as his stare glided towards your lips.

You didn’t answer, but your smile was apparent. Silence again. You started thinking about what it could possibly be that he seemed to obsess over about you. The last time you checked, you were just a regular person. You snapped hard when you were angry and you dressed for comfort for work, so you didn’t particularly have the amount of sex appeal that would cause him to react this way.

“I’d sell my soul to spend one night with you,” he let out a dreamy sigh out of nowhere.


“Did anyone ever tell you you’re coming on too strong?” you sandwiched your enjoyment between two large buns of snark, hoping he wouldn’t notice it. 

“My brain shuts down when I hyperfixate. I can’t help it,” he declared matter-of-factly, “Guys my age are more inclined to wear a simp badge very non-ironically. Do whatever you want with this information.”

You finally looked at him with as much confidence as you could fake.

“Are you saying I should fuck guys your age more often?”

“I’m saying you should fuck me more often,” he replied urgently.

He took your silence as the perfect opportunity to make a compelling case, and you were… letting him.

“Have you ever thought about what a perfect match we are?” he followed you like a puppy trailing after its owner, “I have monster stamina but no hard no’s, and I eat pussy for my own pleasure. It doesn’t get any better than this.”

“You should really learn to put your money where your mouth is,” you chuckled sarcastically while looking for your keys.

“I can, actually, if you’re offering.”

You turned the key in the lock and met his eyes right before closing your door.

“Good night, Seungmin.”

“One of those nights, it will be,” he brazenly checked out your chest area and bit into his grin, “Good night, princess.”

Then all of a sudden, he disappeared.

You didn’t see him by the elevator at all, and it genuinely made you wonder where he was. He was basically on payroll to annoy the shit out of you, no? 

Then why were you feeling like your day was missing something?

Days passed by thinking about this. One night, as you were making a simple dinner for one, you caught yourself thinking about both of them. The occupants of Apartment 31 you had no information about. Why Seungmin was the way he was, why Jeongin didn’t smile much, why two guys with such starkly different personalities were even roommates with each other. You thought about it until you finished your plate. Then you decided to take a shower to wash the haunting thoughts away.

When you walked out of your bathroom, however, you got such a violent whiplash from a sound you heard that it momentarily made you question if you were dreaming awake.


A woman. She was moaning so loudly that she might as well have been getting murdered there. In none of the alternate realities you could come up with would you imagine Jeongin being so vocal, but he was. Commanding. Demanding. Dangerous.

And hearing the things he uttered flat out stunned you.

“What are you gonna say? What are you gonna say if you want to cum?”


It… did something to you. You briefly considered taking another freezing cold shower to send away the urges that started to infest your mind, but eventually opted for getting into your bed. You could maybe listen to some soothing tunes. Some audiobook. Something to make you think about literally anything else.

But shortly after, the sounds changed keys.

“Ready for me now?”

It was Seungmin’s voice this time. Confident tone, but not his usual brash one. It was calm. Serene. Beguilingly so. He actually sounded like he knew what he was talking about.

“Shh, behave, Y/N. Is this what we agreed upon?” Jeongin chuckled behind several walls.

You felt your entire body getting shocked.

The fact that they were having a fucking threesome was no longer the most intriguing detail. Did you hear that right just now? Did you hear your goddamn name being thrown around? Did a person currently being shared in their bed really have the same name as you?

What the damn hell?!

You couldn’t fight your lizard brain anymore. You just couldn’t. Your body was moving completely on its own, forcing your fingers into your mouth first to get them properly wet, then on your clit, touching and touching and touching yourself with gradually more pressure. You listened to these two gorgeous men play with a hologram of you, chuckling contently at how they were obliterating her, wishing it was really you. 

The idea of being sandwiched between them, consumed out of your mind in pleasure sounded like the best idea in the world even after you came. Even in your sleep. Even for the following couple of days.

You were going to take this secret to the grave with you.

Oddly enough, all the radioactive noise waste magically stopped after that questionable night. No gaming, no parties, no fucking someone into oblivion. None. You didn’t see either of the guys; not when you left for work, not when you came back home. Nothing. 

Did something happen? Did they leave for someplace all of a sudden?

There was no way they actually… moved out, right?

Several days into the unprompted radio silence, you were looking for a legitimate excuse to satisfy your curiosity. Well, you could always just knock on their door to see how they were doing. It was a very humane gesture after all, wasn’t it? It wasn’t like there was any more meaning to it. Just a friendly neighbor, saying hi.

You were only three steps away from their door when it suddenly opened, and Seungmin’s greeting blared like a loud horn in your ears.

“Hey, you’re back!”

You felt like you got caught red-handed. They were both standing at their doorframe, and you automatically blushed seeing them in the flesh after what felt like forever, but at the same time, an instant feeling of relief spread throughout your body.

Wait, what?

“Hi,” you replied as nonchalantly as you could manage, “Were you looking for me?”

“Actually, yes,” Seungmin pointed his thumb inside their apartment, “We wanted to ask you if you would come hang out with us tonight.”

It would be a lie to say you weren’t even slightly scandalized remembering their partnership in crime, but for once Seungmin didn’t have that damn obnoxious tone to him. It actually sounded like a legitimate, humane invitation. Almost friendly.

“Doing what?” you creased your brows, “I’m not exactly a gaming type of person.”

“We’re just gonna chill at the hot tub. The weather’s awesome and Jeongin makes killer cocktails,” he explained, “Haven’t you been saying you’re constantly tired?”

You thought about it. Hot neighbors you may have started seeing in a different light. Drinks. Chilling in a hot tub when you finally had some time off work. It didn’t sound like a half-bad idea honestly. You actually wanted to spend some time with them, but you figured your first time would be watching a movie or something.

Not a literal steamy night in some hot tub.

“Cocktails,” you squinted your eyes and scanned Jeongin’s face, “What can you make?”

“Whatever the princess wants,” he stretched his arms to the side.

“My vacation starts today,” you crossed your arms over your chest, “I want to turn off my brain. Can you promise to make it worth my time?”

“I’d rather put my money where my mouth is.”

He was smiling. Not in a wholesome fashion. Not even in a way that could be dubbed as charming. This was straight up dangerous.

You smiled back.

“I’ll take a shower first. I’ll come over in a bit.”

“Perfect,” Seungmin broke into his familiar smirk again, “Please wear your sexiest bikini for me?”

“Shut up, will you?”

His chuckle got louder as you closed your door. You took a quick shower, then went over all the options you had regarding what you could throw on top of the swimsuit. A loose t-shirt? Too casual. Just walk over without anything else? Too bold. You eventually decided on a kimono you usually wore to the beach and headed over to their place.

You were nervous when you knocked on their door.

“Long time no see,” Jeongin welcomed you inside and gestured towards the terrace door, “This way, princess.”

You knew for a fact their side of the terrace had the better view, but you weren’t aware what a fucking great job they did with the atmosphere they created. They had installed some lights in different shades of violet, making the place look like some classy strip club. Jeongin followed right after you with a tray of drinks as well as a sizeable pitcher as the balmy weather caressed your face, and you saw Seungmin lounging on one of the sunbeds.

“Long Island Ice Tea,” Jeongin informed you as he poured the contents of the pitcher into an ice-filled glass, “Hope you like it.”

“Love it.”

“Shall we, then?” Seungmin threw his phone on the gray cushions he was resting against and took his top off in one go, urging Jeongin to do the same. You just hoped your amazement was not so blatantly obvious because god—damn.

They were quite handsome guys as it was, but they were fine as hell half-naked.

Nevertheless, your internal yelling was actually nothing compared to their reaction, which they made no effort to hide. You took off the light fabric hiding you as if you were casually stripteasing for them, and the two guys watched you a bit too intently, checking out every inch of your bare skin their eyes could land on. Once you climbed the steps, Seungmin helped you get into the water and the warmth under your feet started spreading a pleasant relaxing sensation all over your body. Jeongin handed you your drink and raised his glass.

“To our first night as a threesome.”

A soft breeze of laughter blew all around, and you gulped half the drink in one go, partly to quench your thirst, partly to calm your inexplicable nerves.

“Oh wow, these motors work better than my vibrators,” you briefly closed your eyes, then looked directly into Seungmin’s eyes, “Can I get a key to your apartment? I promise I’ll only come over when you’re not home.”

“You can also come over when we’re home. It’s preferred actually,” he leisurely threw his arm over your shoulders, then pointed at Jeongin, “Or you can directly ask him to help you out. People can’t walk straight after getting head from him. It’s fabled, really.”

You almost choked on your drink. Granted, you had some idea after that monstrosity you heard, but… seriously?

Your head game is legendary?” you questioned in disbelief.

“Never judge a book by its cover,” Jeongin argued then stealthily scooted closer to you, “I have a horrible case of oral fixation.”

“Oh, you thought he’s the decent one?” Seungmin erupted into a heartfelt laughter, “Did you mention your toy collection to her at all?

“It’s always the quiet ones, I swear,” you shook your head and extended your already empty glass to Jeongin.

“There’s no shame in admitting that aids are useful. It doesn't make me any less of a man,” he refilled your glass with his infinitely tranquil voice, “If anything, my partners appreciate it a lot.”

“I second that statement, actually,” you confessed, addressing Seungmin, “The more, the merrier if you know how to properly use them.” 

The two men shared a knowing look in silence that dragged on forever. Maybe it was due to what you just said, maybe due to the drinks he was downing one after another, but Seungmin found the courage to brush his fingers down your bare shoulder.

“Would that be something you’re interested in?” he asked with a voice as calm as that time you heard through the walls, “With us?”

You involuntarily swallowed. Well, would it? Would getting crushed under their body weight be something you’d be interested in? Would you like to get Jeongin’s infamous head, or have Seungmin blow your back out maybe?

Would you?

“What do you mean?” you asked, feigning complete ignorance.

You fucking knew what he meant of course, but you needed him to elaborate just in case. To say it out loud. To paint you the picture you were dying to hear from his lips. Again.

“Fine, I’ll play,” Seungmin smiled with hooded eyes and spoke directly into your ear, “Do you have any idea how hard it is to have self-control around you?”

You liked it. You liked the attention so much. You liked how hardcore he was about his simping even though you were quite literally doing nothing to lead him on. It masturbated your ego so hard, and it was so obvious that he knew.

“I’m not even doing anything,” you countered, extraordinarily calm.

“You breathed,” Jeongin answered instead of Seungmin, “One look at you is enough to seduce a man out of his mind.”

He was faster than Seungmin in cutting to the chase, and you felt the outline of his soft lips on the left side of your neck, which led you to briefly close your eyes. Then you felt Seungmin’s hand caressing your thighs underwater.

“How much clearer do I need to be so you finally get it?” he placed the softest of kisses on your right earlobe, “You have two guys here at your disposal who have it bad for you.”

Bad for me,” you chuckled to yourself, but not because you were tickled, “Doesn’t quite explain the one night stands I keep eavesdropping on.”

When you finished your sentence, they shared a look again as if to ask each other ‘You wanna tell her, or should I?’.

“Very well,” Jeongin started providing you with the reasoning you were genuinely curious about, “We knew we didn’t have much chance with you, but we needed to get your attention. I think it’s fair to say you did get curious about what was happening here.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” you creased your brows.

“We put it to a test, and it worked,” Seungmin continued, then slapped a shit-eating grin on his face, “You came pretty hard that night, didn’t you?”

You were absolutely mortified. How the fuck did they even know?!

“A fun fact,” Jeongin went on as though to answer your silent question, “If you can hear us, we can hear you, too.”

“Let’s not play any games anymore,” Seungmin caressed your face before giving you a chance to think, adoration dripping from his eyes, “One night. I promise it’ll be the best you’ve ever had.”

“And if it’s not?” you derisively asked, “What compensation do I get?”

He shot one look at his roommate, and Jeongin answered on Seungmin’s behalf.

“We’ll move.”


“You hate it when we’re loud, don’t you?” he smiled almost sinisterly, then sneakily made his way to your neck once more, “There. You have your guarantee now.”

Your eyes closing again at the contact was Seungmin’s chance. He pulled your face into his, and you let him kiss you. Unrushed. Exploratory. With careful movements of his lips, scared to let you slip away. Nothing was allowed to ruin this moment. He’d been fantasizing about kissing you for the longest fucking time, and not even the most lucid scenarios he could imagine came close to the real thing.

You were simply magnificent.

When Seungmin finally pulled away, you asked the one question that had the potential to make him cum untouched.

“Can I see his toy collection?”

He broke into a content smile and nodded at Jeongin to lead the way. You followed the owner of the said collection to his room with your hand in his, warm water trickling down your body like a foreshadowing of what was on the horizon. Once you reached the premises of Jeongin’s bed, Seungmin was the first to climb on it, not wasting any time to pull you close from your waist and immediately kissing you. While you were getting your lips devoured, Jeongin pulled on one of the soaked strings keeping the top of your bikini in place, and unapologetically exposed your chest for them to admire. 

He didn’t believe in keeping beautiful things hidden.

“Which one would you prefer more?” he asked as Seungmin pulled you close until your back was flush against his chest, “Raspberry, peach, or honey?”

“For what?”

“Edible lube,” he flashed three little plastic tubes in bright colors for you, “For me to eat your pussy.”

“Isn’t that a bit redundant? Considering…” you trailed off, somewhat confused.

“Shh, don’t question. Just trust me.”

“Fine. Peach,” you pointed at the soft-colored container.

Seungmin rid you of your bottoms as carefully as he could manage considering how badly he had been itching for you and spread your pussy lips for the gorgeous beast between your legs, offering him the first look. Jeongin sighed deeply with his whole chest, as though he was hypnotized, studying every inch of your folds with a blistering, pensive gaze and sinking his teeth into his bottom lip. 

“Just look at this beauty,” he stopped the urge to kiss your clit at the last second, “Fuck.

He squeezed the bottle to extract a generous amount of luve, and you felt the thick density of the liquid dripping down to your entrance. A cold but refreshing sensation in stark contrast with how feverish you were feeling. His slender fingers smeared the peach aroma all over you and massaged you to his heart’s content, smiling contently every time you throbbed.

“Can I eat it until I’m full?” he looked up at you with inquisitive eyes.

“Go ahead.”

“Here’s the trick. You’re supposed to lick right here,” he gently pressed his thumb right under your clit like he was instructing a crowd, “Not the entrance, nor the clit. It’s gonna make you want both.”

When his gaze met with yours again, you could clearly see how much his eyes had darkened.

“Which works to our benefit, so…”

The way Jeongin licked you with just the tip of his tongue sent multiple jolts of pleasure through you, causing you to gasp for air. The cadence at which he lapped at that specific spot was precise, yet not rehearsed per se—it felt more like he was reacting to your moans and your writhing rather than you reacting to his slow ministrations. It started as little stutters of your legs, but soon enough, you found yourself rolling your hips into his mouth, seeking more, much much more friction. 

It surprised you when he abruptly pressed his hands over your thighs to keep you in place, but you found yourself loving the way it felt, too. Behind you, Seungmin held you a little tighter, leaving wet kisses on your nape. You moaned again when Jeongin’s tongue returned to your peach-flavored pussy.

“He doesn’t like it when you interfere. Just let him do his thing,” Seungmin let out a soft chuckle and trailed his hand on your neck, using two fingers on your jaw to turn your head in his direction, “Play with me in the meantime.”

He kissed you. And then he kissed you. Deep. Wet. Warm. Seungmin was a great kisser, taking his time to make sure he was giving you the sloppiest, most sensual make out session known to mankind. He knew how to match his kisses not only to Jeongin’s relentless rhythm on your soaked folds, but also to the way his large hands massaged your breasts. Careful but firm, like he was trying to undo the knot in some sore muscle. 

You felt yourself sink in the deeper end of this heated pool of bliss accompanied by the lewd sounds coming from Jeongin slurping on you and Seungmin inhaling your lips. He pulled away from your mouth to let both of you breathe, and while was addressing Jeongin, he did not look away from you and your lips, already raw from being kissed so hard. 

“How does she taste?”

The wet caresses between your legs came to a halt, causing you to let out an embarrassing whine. Seungmin was loving how much you seemed to need it and broke into a satisfied grin. When Jeongin hummed, you felt his soundwaves reverberate inside you. 

“Fucking delicious,” he commented with the tone of a man reviewing some famous meal at a Michelin restaurant, “See for yourself.”

Your eyes trailed down as Jeongin retreated a few inches back, allowing Seungmin to collect your slick on his fingers to sample your taste. When that first drop reached his tongue, Seungmin’s eyelids fluttered shut. He shoved his fingers into his mouth, sucking on them eagerly. You watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed you, and the sight of it made heatwaves crawl under your skin. He dragged his tongue all over his lips, leaving not a single drop of your essence behind.

“Why didn’t you tell me you tasted so sweet? I would have been a fucking doormat for you long ago,” he cupped your face and caressed the corner of your mouth with his thumb, “You’ll taste so much better creampied, you know? I’ll fill you up over and over again just to eat it out of you.”

The more he spoke into your ear, the more you were moaning, and the harder Seungmin was getting behind you. Nevertheless, Jeongin’s tongue on your cunt was moving so faintly that it was barely perceptible.

“Stop teasing!” you threw your head back in frustration.

“Oh, you thought you were getting your pussy eaten?” he looked at you with zero dismay in his eyes, “I’m just tasting.”

You started writhing under him, but Jeongin gave no fucks, resolute to tease you until you went insane. You had no choice but to seek a bit of solace in Seungmin’s kisses and his scorching touches all over your body.

“Don’t you feel empty with just a tongue on your pussy?” he kissed your cheek, “He’s gonna eat better if you let me fuck you. Shall we fill you up?”

You nodded so eagerly that he almost lost his mind.

“You’re the sexiest fucking thing, god, just look at you,” he hissed and pumped himself to full hardness before giving you what you desperately needed, “Can’t believe I’m about to fuck you. He’s got you so wet.”  

You felt his tip prodding your entrance, and the promise of finally getting something more than a tease was simply exhilarating. His grunts getting more guttural as he was pushing in gave you a twisted feeling of satisfaction. You felt desired. Animalistically so. Once Seungmin finally started moving inside you, he shoved his fingers in your mouth to get them wet, and you melted into him when he began drawing circles on your nipples.

“Like that. Just focus on the pleasure,” he spoke in almost a pacifying voice, “We’re going to have the time of our lives tonight, princess.”

Noticing his teasing session came to an unannounced end, Jeongin stopped, and the loss of contact instantly grabbed your attention. You watched him tower over you and bring his cock to your lips.

“Don’t try to finish me. Just enjoy it,” he firmly instructed, then flashed a diabolical smile, “Enjoy how you’re getting your holes stuffed.”

Every time he disappeared into your mouth, his moans got deeper. A part of you wanted to get back at him for the torture he put you through, but you couldn’t do anything other than let him have his way with you.

“We should play more often,” he licked his lips, eating you alive with his eyes, “You sound fucking fantastic when your moans are muffled.”

He had no plans on finishing in your mouth, of course. After pulling out, you got peach-flavored kisses from him first, then he went back to where he belonged between your legs. You were so drowned in the pleasure high Seungmin was pumping into your veins that it caught you completely off guard when Jeongin swallowed your pussy whole. 

“Oh, FUCK!”

Now you fucking knew why the man had a rep. He was making out with your pussy so intensely that there was no way you would be able to stop yourself from cumming. You started throbbing around Seungmin in much more frequent intervals, and once Jeongin started moaning into you, you snapped hard, almost pushing Seungmin out of you.

“Stop. Please!

“You said I can eat it until I’m full. I’m not full yet.”

“Play nice, Jeong, this is only our first time,” Seungmin caressed your hair as you were coming down, “I’m sure she’ll let you next time, right?”

“N-next time?”

“Of course. You didn’t think we’d stop after one night did you?”

He kissed your lips, but with an amount of lust twice removed. It was almost… innocent.

“Why don’t you let me watch you suck your cream off of me now?”

You gathered whatever strength you could and turned around to nestle between his legs. In the meantime, Jeongin’s hands traveled on your hips.

“My turn to feel you,” he rubbed his palms on the soft flesh, then squeezed it to his heart’s content, “Arch your ass for me.”

You did as you were told, and courtesy of the heavy gloss you were coated with, Jeongin slipped inside so easily as you were working Seungmin.

“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he hissed through his teeth, “You’re asking for it.

He was rougher with you than Seungmin, but the change of pace felt good. Not only for you, though, since Jeongin’s sharp thrusts were making you take all of Seungmin in your mouth.

“God, you’re fucking killing me with this,” Seungmin tangled his fingers into your hair, and demanded, “Fuck her harder. She moans more on my cock when you do that.”

“Don’t clench. Stop trying to make me cum,” Jeongin landed a delicious smack on your ass, “Do as I say or I’ll eat your pussy until you cry.”

You let Seungmin go with a loud pop and looked back at Jeongin with fire shooting out of your eyes.

“You’ll do it if you got the balls,” you spat almost maliciously.

And he snapped.

He quickly pulled out of you and hurriedly picked up a toy from his nightstand. Then he promptly laid down under your legs as if you were facesitting him and latched onto your clit while fucking you fast. You were inadvertently ascending Seungmin with the way Jeongin had you screaming. You should have been careful with what you wished for since you actually started crying from overstimulation but he didn’t stop. He wasn’t going to stop. You should have watched what you said to him. You shouldn’t have dared him like that. 

“Switch with me,” Seungmin urged Jeongin in panic, scared your sobs were about to make him cum, “I wanna fuck her again.”

He snuck behind you as Jeongin traded places with him, his mouth completely drenched with your slick, not even bothering to wipe it off.

“Suck,” he offered his flushed cock to you again.

“Get him back for it,” Seungmin spurred you on, “I wanna see his eyes roll back.”

Why, he didn’t have to say that twice. You were resolute to wipe that smug grin off of his fucking beautiful face anyway, so you shoved his cock as deep down your throat as you could, solely focusing on the ways you could get him to blow hard. 

And when his eyes indeed started rolling back, Seungmin knew Jeongin was close.

“Tsk tsk, no, Turn around,” Seungmin demanded your attention, “You’re gonna look at me.

He briefly pulled out, allowing just enough time for you to settle into Jeongin’s chest, then promptly slid inside you again. The younger’s attitude had changed for some reason—he was giving open mouth kisses on your neck, tilting your head to the side to look at him so that he could share your taste with you on his tongue. As a completely instinctive move, you tried to pull him closer to you so that you could feel his cock growing bigger on your ass.

“So fucking hungry, one cock is not enough. She wants two,” Seungmin mockingly chortled, “I’m cumming in her pussy.”

I’m cumming in her pussy,” Jeongin shot daggers at him, “You’re forgetting who made her cum in the first place.”

“Just fucking share!” you whined, not having any patience for bickering in the middle of this, “I can take you both.”

Incredulous of what you just said, Seungmin abruptly stopped, but you watched his features snap back into a smile again in slow motion. 

“Have you no shame corrupting two guys like that?” he groped your thighs, “You’re so much fucking hotter than all of my wet dreams combined.”

The two men shared a look again. While it was so fucking hard to restrain themselves, they did their utmost best not to break you in half. You felt both their tips pressing against your entrance, seeking a way to sneak in.

“Breathe for me,” Seungmin soothed you, “We’ll make it feel so good, I promise.”

At long last, you finally felt them paving their way into you. Slowly but surely. Taking up all the space inside you.

You had never felt this full before and it was making you go dumb.

“Let’s finish with a bang,” Seungmin nodded to Jeongin, “Give me your clit sucker.”

Jeongin pulled something up from under his pillow, and Seungmin covered your clit with the silicone head of the toy perfectly.

“You’re getting creampied tonight like you’ve never been before, princess,” he turned it on and started moving, “Let’s see whose swimmers are faster, shall we?”

You were having a hard time processing all the stimulations you were receiving—your cunt full, your clit getting sucked, your breasts being fondled, your neck being kissed… The amount of pleasure was reaching an overwhelming threshold.

“Let me watch you suck on her tongue,” Seungmin voiced his last request desperately like a death wish, “God, I’m so fucking close.”

The intensity of the suction on your clit doubled first. Then tripled. Your breathing turned staccato and that was the telltale sign that you were about to cum. When Jeongin started fucking you faster, Seungmin followed suit, and you clenched around them so hard that you milked the life out of them as you came screaming. You could actually feel how heavy their loads were inside you. The two gorgeous men rode their orgasms until the last drop of cum was out, then carefully pulled out, collapsing on either side of you, hugging you, kissing you as if they were thanking you for their lives. 

“The curiosity’s gonna kill me if I don’t ask,” you eventually pierced through the silence, “Did you really have someone named Y/N in this place some time ago?”

They both let out an exhausted laugh in unison. Jeongin buried his face in the crook of your neck whereas Seungmin aimed for your lips.

“Don’t ask questions you already know the answers to, princess.”

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