"Is it because you think I'm hot?"
As you watch your friend Minho during boxing practice, the way he moves riddles you with a singular thought and you catch yourself actually saying it out loud, completely unaware how this is going to colossally backfire on you.
“I would so dom his pretty face off.”
Content Warning & Disclaimer

This motherfucker…
That was literally the only thing you could think of when you thought of Minho. Starting from the moment you talked to him for the first time.
While moving into your building on a Sunday all those months ago, Minho made an entire scene in the process, ordering the movers around like he was coaching a tactical assault team. If his sandbag was not placed in the exact coordinates he provided, the world would stop turning apparently. The commotion was broadcast for the entire hallway to listen in since he refused to close his front door until he was fully settled in. The unnecessarily curious cat inside of you urged you to keep stealing glances of his place right across yours to spot a good timing to walk over there - not that you were weirdly intrigued by this sandbag man who would be your hallmate for the foreseeable future, but you know… to be nice. To ask if he needed anything maybe.
No, it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he was insanely hot and you had this incessant itch in your brain to learn about his marital status. It was just the polite thing to do; niceties needed to be observed.
Like, damn, those arms, though. Wait, what?
It was the evening hours when you walked across the hall to knock on his finally closed door to welcome him to the building. You most certainly didn't expect him to appear at this door frame like that.
Your neighbor opened the door for you clad in black and red shorts and bandages wrapped around his hands only. His toned bare chest was covered in sweat and stray locks of his chestnut hair were sticking to his forehead. He leaned against his door frame with his elbow, the other hand still on the door handle. You could perfectly make out the fresh scars of his tattoo of a polygonal tiger figure that started on his right bicep and traveled all the way back to what you assumed was his shoulder blade. Considering it looked like it was still healing, he must have got it done pretty recently.
Your mind went full tabula rasa because of the magnificent sight in front of you. What were words and how did you pull them out of your long-term memory?
"I- I uh-"
"I’m in the middle of practice. Can you make it quick?"
Practice for what? How to be a fucking demigod?!
You summoned all your sanity back to its container and managed to produce a greeting.
"I'm Y/N, I live across the hall. I just wanted to say welcome to the building and ask if you needed anything."
"Minho. Not now, thanks," he responded curtly and attempted to close his door.
"Hey!" you furrowed your brows and pushed the door back to keep it from closing, in complete disbelief of his lack of basic manners.
"I'm just trying to be nice! No fucking need to be colossally rude, you know?"
Minho looked at you with an aloof expression and gestured his upper body, "I mean… I know."
"Not like that. It means disrespectful."
"I just said I know. Aren't you listening?"
"NOT LIKE THAT, you’re just not a nice person, oh my fucking god."
As Minho crossed his arms over his chest with a smirk, you marched back to your own place seething in annoyance and slammed the door close, mumbling "What a complete asshole," not bothering to keep your voice down in the slightest.
It sort of went downhill from there.
It felt like Minho made it his life’s mission to tease and annoy you every chance he got for his exclusive entertainment. Your daily interactions turned into a competition of ‘Who’s gonna get the last word?’ over the most mundane of topics, trying to outsmart or one-up each other over who was gonna get the first morning coffee or the last everything bagel at the bakery downstairs, who was gonna park at that spot closest to the garage door, or who was gonna get on the elevator if it happened to be crowded and could only carry one more person. You know, very mature, grown-up struggles. Minho didn’t have a single bone of chivalry in his body, so it would be the most futile of endeavors to expect any kind of gentlemanly gesture from him. You just went at it like two tigers battling over territory.
Weeks later on another Sunday night, you kept tossing and turning on your bed because the constant punching noises and grunts that kept coming from Minho's apartment just would not let you fall asleep. Half an hour into your struggle, you couldn’t take it anymore and started banging on his door like a creditor who was supposed to collect money.
Minho opened the door swiftly, covered in his usual sheen of sweat and seemingly incredibly annoyed, "What the hell is the matter with you? What do you want from my door?"
"For the billionth time, Minho, do you even know what the concept of time is? It's fucking midnight!"
"I own a clock. What's your point?"
Do not try to reason with this man, you told yourself calmly. He’s incapable of processing it. Just get to the point.
"Could you please keep it down?"
"No. I have a match in two days."
It was astounding how this man legitimately thought the universe revolved around him.
"And I have a fucking pitch meeting tomorrow that I need to present at. I need to sleep, Minho!"
Minho proceeded to display the maximum amount of insolence he was capable of containing and closed the door to your face.
"OPEN THE FUCK UP YOU DICKHEAD!!" you kept banging on the door. Minho quickly returned with something in his hand that look like headphones and shoved it into your chest.
"Here, these are hunter ear protectors. Next level noise canceling. Just stop bitching and let me practice in peace. This is a championship match," he declared and closed the door again, leaving you in utter frustration.
This motherfucker…
The next morning, you woke up with the bare minimum of shuteye you were able to squeeze in. Minho’s ear protectors actually worked, but you were so incredibly annoyed with him that the mere knowledge of him existing in the apartment across the hall literally kept you awake all night. Your exasperation was still there while you were getting ready, while you were preparing your bag, and even while you were walking towards the elevator.
"Hey, hold the door!"
This motherfucker…
Since you were still very much pissed at Minho, you saw absolutely no harm in pretending not to hear him and walked into the elevator. The hope to be able to ride eighteen floors down in peace was short-lived as Minho slammed his hand between the doors right when they were about to close and forced them to open again.
"I know you heard me. Why didn't you hold the door?"
You shrugged, "Didn't feel like it."
"Someone's got up from the left side today," he jeered, "Ever thought of giving getting laid a try? Should make people massively tolerable."
Minho turned your annoyance levels from a hundred to ‘pull over if you don’t wanna die’ status real quick as if he activated some NOS switch inside you.
"That effectively concludes it's been two blue moons since you last busted a nut, my guy. Practice what you preach, maybe."
"Bold of you to assume I didn't bust it just last night," Minho sneered.
"That’s RICH!" you raised your voice, "For your information, the walls in this building are not exactly iron-clad. I would have heard it if that was true."
"So you're spying on me," Minho broke into a smug grin, "Why the sudden interest in my orgasm tally?"
I just cannot believe his motherfucker…
"You know what, you can kiss my ass, Minho."
He suddenly slammed his hand on the stop button and trapped you against the elevator mirror.
"What did you just say to me?"
He was so dangerously close, almost flush against you. Come to think of it, you had never seen his face this up close before. What sharp features he had… Cheekbones to die for. A jawline that could cut you. One eyebrow cocked daring you in the most seductive way. You could smell his shampoo and cologne on the heat waves emitted from his body towards yours. If this move was supposed to be scaring you, Minho was remarkably failing at it because all that was dripping from his eyes was sheer hunger.
How the fuck was this the same guy from ten seconds ago? It was like he shapeshifted.
And you absolutely hated how much it turned you on.
"Don't. Fucking. Ask for. What you absolutely cannot handle, kitten."
The electricity in the air was so palpable you were sure you were about to get shocked if Minho so much as blew air towards you. He leaned into your ear and spoke in the softest of whispers.
"Don’t test me. I’m warning you."
This wasn’t a threat. This wasn’t even an actual warning.
It was a fucking dare.
"Warning me for what?"
Minho was literally just two milimeters away from your lips. He was so close that you could actually feel the outline of his mouth brushing on yours in the gentlest way possible, enough for you to question whether you were actually feeling him, or if it was just his breath condensing on your lips.
"For you having to brace yourself because I will not stop."
When Minho pressed the button to make the elevator run again, you felt your stomach drop along with the elevator cabin.
But for all the wrong reasons.

Your entire dynamics with Minho changed from that day on.
Make no mistake, he was still relentlessly on your nerves, but the targeted outcome of his teasing seemed to have shifted massively. Whenever he opened his mouth, he kept throwing in these innuendos, double entendres somewhere in his sentences, and although he was not a particularly touchy-feely person, you could swear he was making up excuses to establish physical contact with you. You could never comment on any of that because that would mean risking making a complete fool out of yourself since there was no evident proof: everything he did or said was completely defendable, but still very subtly laced with ulterior motives. You just knew he had an agenda. And much to your dismay, you realized you actually fucking welcomed it.
Your Sunday morning routine was interrupted by urgent knocks on your door. It was Minho clad in his practice attire with his duffel bag thrown on his shoulder.
"Morning, Minh-"
"Hey, my roommate's supposed to move in today. I told him to wait for me at your place. I'll owe you one. Thanks."
Minho took off as soon as he finished his sentence leaving you completely bewildered by your door. You yelled behind his back, fully aware it would be futile.
"Stop bitching, it's Sunday," Minho spoke as he walked to the elevator, "I know you have nowhere else to be."
At least give me a fucking name, why don't you? This motherfucker…
The expected doorbell rang in the afternoon. You opened to door to see a man holding a large carrier by your doorstep and he cheerfully greeted you.
"Hi, is this Y/N?"
"Um… hi! Minho's roommate, right?"
"Uh- yeah, sure," he giggled.
"Come in. Welcome. I think," you trailed off into a mumble.
The man handed you the carrier per your invitation and the motion could only be described as Minho-class rude. Did he actually think you were Minho's fucking butler or some shit?
"Thank you so much for this. He was on the brink of trashing my entire apartment because he misses his Minho a normal amount."
"Excuse me?"
He covered his mouth in panic, "Oh shit, I shouldn't have said it like that. I swear he's actually really gentle!"
You looked closer at the carriage, more carefully at what it contained and the round silverish name tag that flickered inside.
"Minho… owns a cat?"
"No, Pudding owns Minh-"
You grabbed the carrier from the man to carefully open it and get acquainted with the orange tabby cat with the softest white paws you’d ever seen inside.
"Hiii, Pudding! Oh my god, you’re so fucking precious, you absolute fluffbutt!!!"
You were suffering from such acute cuteness aggression that you completely forgot there was someone else by your door until he spoke to you again.
"Uh- It's Jisung, by the way. Very pleased to meet you."
"Pleasure's all mine!" you yelled in excitement while still looking at the cat, and turned to him once again, "Shit, I'm so sorry. It's just… cats are my FUCKING KRYPTONITE!"
"I figured as much," he smiled.
"Please come in! Would you like some coffee?"
All in all, Jisung was a good friend of Minho’s as well as working for him in an executive capacity, or so he claimed.
"So, you’re his assistant."
"More like his right hand," Jisung corrected you, "He can’t do shit without me."
"Are you sure?"
He sighed, "You would be surprised how fucking clueless he is about some of the most regular stuff. Where do you get your dry cleaning done?"
"Uh- Downstairs? We have a place on site."
"Yet, he doesn’t know that," to which you responded with a loud cackle.
You spent the afternoon chatting with Jisung while Pudding was investigating every single corner of your apartment as if he was going to rent the place from you. Needless to say, it was incredibly hard for you to stay focused on your conversation with Jisung while your eyes kept following the kitty everywhere. After finishing his coffee, he got up to leave not to overstay his welcome and you exchanged thank yous over coffee versus a pleasant conversation. It was around dinnertime when Minho came back home.
"Yes?" you opened the door the tiniest measure with squinted eyes.
"Hey, where is he?"
"Who is?"
"My roommate."
You broke into a mischievous grin, "Why aren't you saying his name?"
"I don’t see the need?"
"Suit yourself," you retorted and closed the door to his face to give him a dose of his own medicine. Minho immediately banged on your door again as you leaned against the door.
"Come on, Y/N, it’s not funny! I need to see him!"
"See who?"
Why though? It really didn’t make any sense for Minho to purposefully avoid saying the name of his own cat.
"Please? I need to see Pudding."
You didn’t know what it was. It could be how fucking cute the name was or Minho’s pleading tone conveying how much he indeed missed his cat. You caught yourself smiling and finally caved to open the door.
"Come in. You have a visitor."
Minho’s eyes widened. He was… smiling. Genuinely. Then it evolved into a burst of blinding laughter when Pudding unleashed himself on Minho upon sight, rubbing himself everywhere.
"Hey, buddy! I missed you, too. I missed you so fucking much," Minho kept scratching the purring kitty's tummy, "Look what I have for you. It’s your favorite!"
Minho took out a tube of what looked like some paste from his pocket and kneeled in front of Pudding to feed him. You closed the door and just watched them fondly for some time with arms crossed over your chest. You were so engrossed in the cuteness that Minho’s voice caught you super off guard.
"Thank you. For taking care of him for me when I'm gone."
"It was an absolute pleasure," you kneeled to scratch under Pudding’s chin, still beaming at him, "I think I might be crushing hard on someone. Isn’t that right, baby boy?"
Minho turned his gaze to you as you kept petting the kitty and broke into a smile himself.
"You uh- You wanna… have dinner together or whatever? I was about to order some Chinese."
Can't be direct at any cost. This motherfucker…
"Chinese sounds great," you smiled back at him.
"Let’s go home, buddy," Minho cuddled Pudding and made his way back to his place. You grabbed your keys and followed suit behind him.
This could be the first time that you and Minho had an actually humane interaction, talking about stuff to get to know each other. Where one another is from, how he adopted Pudding, why he named him Pudding, where he was before moving here, where you graduated from, all that jazz… Naturally, at some point the topic shifted to work stuff.
"Why did you even choose boxing?"
"For the thrill, I guess," Minho unboxed his food on the coffee table.
"Because there is absolutely no other sport left in the universe. Why don't you go paragliding or some shit?"
"Yeah, other sports don’t have hot girls holding up cards, so…"
You furrowed your brows to mean ‘The fuck is wrong with you?’ but would Minho tolerate the snark?
"Learn to take a joke, will you?"
Absolutely not. Back to his own self at lightspeed.
While you were unboxing your own food, you eyed Minho’s spring rolls and with the support of some unexplainable courage washing over you, you reached out to take one of them.
Just to be met with Minho reflexively slapping your hand.
"What in the fresh fuck, Minho?"
"Behave. I don’t share food."
"Eye dun sheer fyood~" you imitated him in an annoying voice, "For a guy who fucks shit up for a living you’re way too intense, just saying. It’s a fucking spring roll."
Besides the almost-showdown over spring rolls, the dinner ended up being quite pleasant with Pudding patiently staring at you for food during the entire thing. Minho did not cave one bit, but you were on the brink of melting.
"Can I ju-"
"Absolutely not. He knows he’s not supposed to do that. God, you’re such a sucker for cats, aren’t you?"
"Correction: The biggest sucker," you turned to Pudding with sorry eyes, pretending to sniffle, "I tried, baby, I really tried."
Minho flashed a grin and offered a glass for you, "Cardinal Melon?"
"Only hell yeah."
The refreshing drink did wonders to you after the intense spiciness. While you were scratching Pudding’s head with your other hand, Minho placed his glass on the coffee table and placed his elbows on his knees.
"Can I ask you something?"
"That's new. You usually blurt shit out," you commented sarcastically, "Shoot."
"Remember that morning in the elevator?"
You didn’t know what prompted him to ask that, but you couldn’t help the super involuntary gulp, "Yeah?"
"I was really aggressive with the way I came onto you, but you didn't do anything to outright push me away. Why?"
Came onto you? That was his way of coming on to you?
"I don't know," you replied trying to sound as casual as you could, "I guess you caught me off guard."
"If I had really caught you off guard, we would have already fucked in there and you know it."
Yes, Minho was the living embodiment of the anti-censor movement, but this much forwardness was new even for you.
"Is it because you think I'm hot?"
"What? It's a legitimate question."
How would you even respond to such a question? On one hand was being honest. You indeed found Minho criminally attractive, and you didn’t actually lie when you said he’d caught you off guard. Come to think of it, if it was someone else you haven’t had the slightest interest in, the move would prompt a scream for help, but all you could think of that particular morning was how his lips tasted.
"Or is it because you're into that stuff?"
"What stuff?"
"You know. BDSM."
"On occasion, yeah."
"So you're a switch."
How did he manage to steer the conversation to this lane exactly?
"I'm not denying nor confirming this information."
Minho laughed at your response and grabbed his drink again. You examined him for some time. Subjecting him to your absolutely carnal female gaze would be a more appropriate way of putting it, of course.
"No way in hell you're a switch, though."
"Damn straight," he raised his glass towards you like he was giving a toast, "I do nothing but dom. Should be pretty obvious."
"It is."
It was obvious, but entirely as a deduction from his personality traits, not because you were able to understand the root reason.
"What is it about domination that gets you going so much?"
Minho took another sip from his drink, "Simple. You can't tell me what to do."
You chortled, "Way too confident coming from a fucking cat butler."
"Cats are very independent creatures. They show affection when they want to, and won’t take shit from you," he stared into your eyes before continuing, "I really like that about them."
His tone suggested something else entirely. Like the topic of conversation was not actually feline behavior.
Minho leaned back and made himself comfortable to a degree that he was manspreading on the couch. There it was again. That daring look.
"To answer your question, if a line is crossed, there should be consequences. It allows me to indulge in that."
You had absolutely no idea why his words were forcing you to gulp that thickly although you literally had a drink in your hand.
"And you best believe my consequences are nothing but delicious."
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say it sounds like you want those lines to be crossed."
You could tell the aggressive tension between you for weeks considerably lessened, but it lent itself to be replaced with some other form of tension and it was building up at a dangerously fast pace. Minho didn't respond to you and just examined you for some time.
Subjecting you to his absolutely carnal male gaze would be a more appropriate way of putting it, of course.
"So, finals, huh?" you asked in an attempt to break the tension that started suffocating you.
"Not really."
"How can you be so confident about everything all the time?"
Minho lazily smirked, "It’s easy when you know you’re the best at something."
This motherfucker…
"Sounds like you talk a lot of smack to me."
"I can put my money where my mouth is. You’re more than welcome to come watch."
"When is it?"
"Friday night."
"Fuck, really?" you exclaimed in utter disappointment because you actually really wanted to watch him in his full glory, "I have a work function thing that day."
But Minho had an alternative solution for you.
"Then come watch me practice tomorrow."
There it was. The daring look again. You smiled back and took him up on the offer.
"I’ll be there."
Since it was a weekday, you thanked Minho for the food, squeezed Pudding on your way out, and hit the bed although you really wanted to stay at his place. You had trouble falling asleep that night but for an entirely different reason this time.
That was when you started eyeing your nightstand.
You had been doing this a lot lately. Pleasuring yourself to sleep with Minho's naked upper body engraved behind your eyelids, imagining the vibrations between your legs were actually him humming into you, aggressively lapping at you until you crumbled within him within mere minutes. And it always ended with you moaning the same thing every single night.
Fuck, Minho…
The next day after work you headed to the address Minho gave you. It was a large hall in dark colors, boxing equipment around the gigantic ring right in the middle. Jisung was the one to welcome you.
"I've been informed that today there was gonna be a guest of honor. Come this way."
He led you to a ringside area to settle down and you started watching Minho. Completely in his element.
"He's great at what he does, isn't he?" Jisung spoke to your direction, "Tell me if this fucker doesn't have massive big dick energy."
"Is it the energy or the dick that’s massive?"
Jisung burst into laughter at your remark, "Okay I started it, but don’t be crass, come on."
This was supposed to be a competitive combat sport but Minho moved like he was dancing. Movements on-point and precise, executed with intention to knock out, full of force, but still somewhat graceful. He was drenched in sweat, veins popping everywhere, gloss on the skin making his tattoo shine under the spotlights, which you were convinced was the representation of the preying tiger that lived inside him.
"I would so dom his pretty face off."
"Uh- think you’re thinking out loud, Y/N," Jisung woke you up with raised brows and a surprised smile.
Oh, shit.
After the initial embarrassment faded, you turned to Minho once again and continued with your elbows on your knees, watching him with now squinted eyes.
"Nah, I don’t know," you tilted your head, "He thinks he’s all that, but I’d so top him. He just reeks of someone who likes being rattled."
"Maybe tell him that some time," Jisung winked and went over to the ring to give some towels to Minho. After drying his sweat, he jumped off the ring and made his way to you.
"Convinced now?"
"Not bad, not bad at all boxer dude," you slowly clapped, "I hereby wish you good luck with the match on Friday."
"I make my own luck, gorgeous. I’m gonna win with a TKO, no doubt about it."
"I'm just wishing it. A little good luck literally never hurts anyone."
Minho smiled at your words, "I know you can’t come to the match because of your work thing."
"Yeah," you averted your eyes to the floor.
"So, you’re in charge of the afterparty instead."
"I’m in what of the afterwhat now?"
He smirked, "You heard me loud and clear."
And kissed you out of nowhere. It got you by such a big surprise that you couldn't even open your eyes for a moment.
"For a little good luck. Now I’m two hundred percent sure I’m gonna win," Minho bit into his smile and hit the showers.
This motherfucker, you smiled to yourself.

"What the f- Goddess much?"
You opened the door for the rowdy crowd in front of Minho’s place in the hopes of hearing the expected outcome, but instead of breaking it to you, that was what Minho blurted out upon seeing you in a little black dress. You shooed away the flustered smile and looked at him with expectant eyes.
"Tell me the good news."
Upon Jisung’s firestarter, the guys on either side of Minho lifted his belt while violently shaking his shoulders and the crowd made their way inside with even rowdier cheering, making themselves immediately comfortable.
"Told you I’d win," Minho smirked.
"You already know."
You smiled in return, "You got ‘em, tiger."
A really loud sound erupted from the champagne bottle Jisung popped, which caused Pudding to haul ass towards Minho’s room.
"THE FUCK JISUNG, YOU’RE SCARING PUDDING! It’s alright baby boy, come here."
You held the kitty in your embrace and made your way to the couch to soothe him. After calming down, Pudding kept rubbing himself on you and never left your lap. And quite honestly, you couldn’t give a rat’s ass about all the shedding. Minho plopped down to the couch right next to you and you glanced at him with a look still laced with adoration towards Pudding.
"I still can’t believe you have a cat."
"Why is that so hard to believe?" Minho extended his arm behind you.
"I don’t know," you shrugged, "You being able to show affection is like witnessing Atlantis."
He smiled and scratched Pudding’s head on your lap.
"He likes you a little too much."
"Jealous?" you grinned.
"I’m literally his servant. He’d better like me more."
Pudding kept tossing and turning on your lap and rubbed himself on your legs.
"You know, cats do that to leave their scent."
You busted out a loud cackle, "Are you serious? Is he trying to mark me or something?"
"Possible,” Minho flashed a knowing smile, "Takes after his dad after all."
What to do with this information…
"So, Y/N, we haven’t had much chance to talk before,” the guy named Changbin spoke to you, "What do you do?"
"I work in advertising."
"Any clients we might know?"
Jisung intervened before your answer, "Might be of interest to know this dude is a major car enthusiast. Do your thing."
"In that case,” you shifted Pudding on your lap to reach out for your drink, "you may have heard of a brand called Ferrari."
"HOT DAMN! Are you seeing anyone?"
The crowd in the living room burst into roaring laughter.
Well, except Minho.
"With all due respect which is none, cool it, Casanova."
"I’m just saying, man,” Changbin continued shamelessly, "That sounds fascinating. I’m always down to get drinks, I’d love to get to know you more."
"Sure, why not?" you replied to him with an appreciative smile.
"Mind if I get your number?"
You made a move to reach for Changbin’s phone to type in your digits but Minho beat you to it and put the phone back on the coffee table.
"Y/N. A word," he got up from the couch.
"We’re gonna have a little talk. Grab your keys."
"Is everything okay?"
"With me. Now."
Minho walked out of his apartment and waited for you to unlock your front door to let himself in. And once he did he started frantically pacing inside and eventually stopped in your room. You followed after him.
"What’s going on?”
"What are you trying to do?"
He was supposed to be celebrating tonight. You didn’t know where this sudden outburst came from.
"Making friends?"
"Does it really seem like Changbin’s after being drinking buddies with you?"
You were super confused. So what if he wasn’t?
"What are you saying?"
"Weren’t you fucking listening when I told you I don’t share food?"
"Excuse you?"
Minho ruffled his head in utter frustration. It was like he was trying to find words but majestically failing at it.
"When are you gonna get it into your hea- When are you- Fuck!"
"Minho, you’re not making any sense."
"Sense,” he scoffed and made his way towards you.
"l told you not to test me, didn’t I?"
He gently placed his hands on your shoulders and mumbled to himself in such a low decibel that it was almost inaudible.
"Mine. All mine."
You felt like you were struck by a lightning. All those times you were almost sure, you almost wanted to say something, ask something, heck even initiate something, but you just didn’t wanna make a fool out of yourself… There was absolutely no room left for doubt now.
This was your chance.
You tilted your head and asked in such a soft voice, "Who the fuck do you think you are?"
Minho was instantly rattled, "Me? Who the fuck do you think you are? I heard you at practice the other day."
"Wow, you have ears," you purposefully derided.
"Cut the sass. I’m talking about how you would dom my pretty face off."
Oh, shit.
"Yeah, the acoustics are unnecessarily good at the ring. You could have talked by the front door and I still would have heard you."
Collect yourself. Don’t let the ropes go.
"And? What are you gonna do about it?"
Something flickered in Minho’s eyes upon your words. The tone of his voice was suddenly colored with a much softer and deeper shade.
"Don’t ask for it, kitten."
"What can you even do about it?"
Minho came as close as he was to you in the elevator that morning.
"Try me. I fucking dare you."
You gulped. Thickly. Minho caressed your cheeks ever so gently.
"What did I say, hm?"
You couldn’t help but close your eyes at the contact that you were absolutely longing for. He leaned into your left ear.
"Don't. Fucking. Ask for. What you absolutely cannot handle."
You answered with eyes still closed, trying to produce a stable voice.
"Bold of you to assume I cannot handle the likes of you."
"Oh, so you're asking for it."
Minho turned on the aggressiveness just the tiniest pitch and grabbed you by the waist.
"What did I tell you, huh? If I start, I will not stop."
You stared dead into his eyes and finally jumped the gun.
"Try me. I fucking dare you."
"You little- Fucking come over here."
That kiss. So hungry. So fucking hungry. Like the gates of a dam just broke and there was absolutely no way to stop that torrent from turning into instant electricity. Minho’s fingers tangled in your hair, consuming your lips like there was no tomorrow. Like he was going to die that night.
"Strip for me. Let me see you."
"No,” you retaliated emphatically and tugged at the hem of his shirt, "You get rid of this first. I wanna see that tattoo again."
"I wanna trace my tongue on it."
"Do you, now?"
Minho kept stroking your hair, not breaking eye contact for a single milisecond. Just his gaze alone was overwhelming you.
"Do you like it? Does it get you all hot and bothered, kitten?"
"Yes,” you whispered with an exhale. He smirked again.
You slithered your hands under his shirt to touch his pecs. His fucking gorgeous pecs. And grazed your nails on them. Minho’s eyes fluttered at the contact for the briefest moment but he immediately stopped you by grabbing your wrists.
This man possessed fucking iron instead of self-control and willpower.
"Look at me, kitten, I'm only gonna say this once. If you don't do as I say, you're in for a rough night."
"Night?” you cocked a brow, "There are literally people over at your place who came for you."
"They know where the fucking front door is. The real question here is are you gonna come for me?"
Your breath hitched in your throat. Content with the reaction he elicited out of you, Minho continued.
"More importantly, am I gonna let you if you keep running that mouth?"
"All bark, no bite," you sneered, "I give you a good five minutes to last before you blow."
"Oh, is that so?"
Minho pushed you against the wall and trapped you within his frame, fingers ghosting over your lips and neck.
"Shivering already."
He lifted your chin up to make you face him again and tilted his head.
"What exactly are you playing at, kitten?"
Focus. Think. Think fast.
"Do you want me to strip you? Get you all bare for me?"
You wished you could control it but you whimpered. Embarrassingly loud.
"Oh, she likes that. She fucking likes that."
Minho was nothing short of savage at that moment, but you could still tell he was trying to be considerate in the most messed up way possible. His every move was calculated in full awareness that this was a scene for both of you to enjoy.
Why is respect so fucking hot?
Unbeknownst to you, your hands found their way to Minho’s crotch to palm him over his shorts. He was rock hard for you already.
"Fuck, kitten, you're killing me."
"Touch-starved, are we?" you asked to push his buttons some more. Minho immediately lifted you up upon your words and carried you to your bed.
"For a dom, you sure are pretty gentle, boxer."
"Oh she likes it rough, is that it?"
He unzipped your dress in one swift motion but took forever to get you out of it. The torture attempt was working remarkably well.
"Kitten wants to be tamed,” he licked his lips, "You should know, I'm nothing but generous if you listen well."
Minho rid you of your drenched underwear and grabbed your legs. You were expecting him to make a move to start fucking you but that wasn’t even the furthest thing from his mind. He pushed your legs all the way back to the headboard to expose you fully.
"Oh fuck, look at you. All spread out for me," he kept caressing your thighs and kissing your legs, "Just the way I like. So vulnerable. Pretty little thing."
And boy did you clench hard. He softly chuckled.
"Horny much? How long have you been yearning for this?"
Since the day you opened the door for me half goddamn naked.
"Ever since our morning in the elevator, isn't it kitten? You fucking wanted me to fuck you. You wanted to spread those legs for me."
He honestly didn’t even need to touch you. The way Minho spoke was so seductive that you didn’t even wanna think about what would happen if he kept it up.
"Don’t lie to me. You keep thinking about it as much as I do, if not more, don't you kitten?"
Oh yes. Fuck yes. Every night. Every single night.
But for some reason, you couldn’t say it out loud because somehow it embarrassed the crap out of you. You opted for nodding instead.
"As you should. Knows her place. So pretty."
You clenched again.
"Does that mean I can turn this tight little cunt of yours into a gaping hole just by talking?"
Fucking STOP reading my mind!
Minho lowered himself between your pushed-back legs and spoke very matter-of-factly.
"The first rule of eating pussy: if you can see the face, you’re not doing it right," he placed a kiss on your outer labia and caused you to writhe under his touch.
"But I can totally see your face when you’re in this position. Fucking watch you crumble."
Then he dragged the most delicious stripe over your pussy you had ever felt in your goddamn life.
"Mhm, just like that kitten. Feels so fucking good, doesn't it?"
"Fucking- Minho!"
He knew what he was doing to you, no doubt about it. That fucking dom. He smiled again.
"You're at my mercy now. If I don't make you cum, you can't cum by yourself, can you kitten?"
He peppered kisses on your inner thighs and the sustained lack of contact was absolutely killing you.
"And that would be a fucking shame because I bet my ass you'll look so fucking pretty when I make your toes curl for me," he placed another wet kiss, "For me. Fuck, so pretty."
Your extreme arousal caused you to automatically reach your core to get some friction. Minho immediately grabbed your wrist to prevent contact.
"Nuh uh. We’re not doing this,” and he grabbed your discarded underwear to restrain your hands over your head.
"Touch me."
"Someone keeps forgetting who's in charge here. You can't tell me what to do, kitten."
Minho lowered himself over your face so that you understood the rules perfectly.
"I decide what to do with you. I decide when and how you get to perish."
He got rid of his shirt to put that magnificent body of his on display again. It was literally impossible for someone to be this fucking stunning. Your shame gland literally exploded at the sight and you let out a groan. Minho was way too satisfied with that reaction.
"Are you gonna do as I say, or will you keep rattling me?"
Rattle. Of course. That was the whole point. You couldn’t believe how Minho actually got you to lose your mind a little.
"Way too arrogant for your own good," you smirked.
"Oh, kitten just loves riling me up. Sure you're gonna be able to handle it later?"
You didn’t respond and just kept shooting him a look. That look. Like you were daring him.
"I won't stop. And it's gonna be the sweetest torture you're ever gonna go through."
"So what? The worst you can do is edge me," you scoffed.
"Edging you is something," Minho brushed his fingers on your thighs, "Getting you to fucking beg for me is something else entirely. I won't hesitate to frustrate you into tears. Tease you relentlessly."
He reduced the distance between your faces to mere millimeters and posed you that gentle threat.
"Look into my eyes and tell me if I'm bluffing. I fucking dare you."
You squeezed your eyes with the slightest hint of frustration and threw your head back while Minho slithered down between your legs again. He placed a kiss on your pussy as he took in a deep breath through his nose.
"Pretty. So pretty. All mine to devour. Fuck-"
He finally provided that delectable wet contact, but you were trying your utmost best to not give him the satisfaction. You attempted to wiggle away from his face.
"Oh, come on, kitten, you know you can’t say no to this."
Minho pinned your legs in their place and started making out with your clit. You definitely contracted a piece of absolute insanity at the motion.
"Jesus, FUCK-"
"You like that?"
"Shit, you're just- MINHO!"
Way to resist…
"Submit to me, kitten."
"Fuck no," you protested.
"Do you want me to stop?"
There was no way he wasn’t as turned on as you. What could he do anyway? Leave you like that on your bed and suffer from a massive case of blue balls himself?
"Shame,” Minho clicked his tongue, "If you say so…"
Your overly enthusiastic and desperate grip on his wrist caused him to let out a hearty laugh, "When are you gonna realize I'm fucking good at this? You can't lie to me, kitten. I'm unnecessarily well-versed in the dark arts of bluffcalling."
He lowered you back down on your bed again and latched himself on your left breast, immediately causing goosebumps to break all over your body.
"Not to mention you can't even control how much you're shaking under me."
He was careful to pay an equal amount of attention to your other breast. The way Minho worked his tongue was so intimate and sensual that you couldn’t help running your fingers through his silky hair.
"Submit to me now and I'll reward you with pure ecstasy in return."
A part of you was absolutely refusing the idea ever since you discovered how fucking satisfying it was to rile Minho up, driving him up a wall all because of you, but the other side of you… Oh, that side of you was unquestionably yearning for Minho’s attention.
"One-time offer. I won't reconsider it if you change your mind later."
He kept softly caressing you, cajoling you into what was most likely a trap, but you were far too gone to process what was a façade and what was not.
"Give in to me, kitten. Let me have you."
Fuck it.
You nodded.
"Say it."
"You- You c-”
"Say it for me. Loud and clear.”
How the fuck are you doing this to me?!
"Play with me."
Minho flashed an absolutely diabolical smile upon your words. Needless to say, you were fucked.
"You have all these holes for me to fill up… Can't decide where I should start devouring you first."
"I wan- I want to-"
"What is it, kitten?"
Say it. What’s done is done, anyway.
"I want to please you."
Minho contorted his face in utter contentment.
"Eager. So eager. Fucking pretty. Come here."
He untied the knot on your wrists and took your hand to guide you to the edge of the bed. He stood in front of you, instructing you as he was getting rid of his shorts.
Fucking finally.
"On fours now. Open up for me, kitten."
What a fucking sight. That must have been legitimately the prettiest cock you had ever witnessed in your life, and you got to blow that? Unfuckingbelievable. Minho felt smooth as fuck under your touch. You grabbed him gently and took him in your mouth while still holding his gaze.
"Just like that. You're so pretty with your mouth full of me. Just the way it's supposed to be."
His goddamn words… You didn’t know what it was about them that turned you on this much, pushing you to an utter state of enthusiasm.
"Harder, kitten. Suck me harder."
Minho was fucking relishing the feeling your wet ministrations were providing him. He joined his hands behind his nape and threw his head back
"Fuck- You're so fucking good at this. Too good."
Damn straight, you thought to yourself. Time for you to perish for me for a change.
"That's it. Swirl that tongue around me. Get me wetter."
You hollowed your cheeks to provide him with harder suction while working your tongue, which caused Minho to let out husky grunts for you.
"Fuck, fuck, so good. So fucking good, ah-" Minho was unable to control how loud his moans were getting, "I'll cum in that pretty little mouth and you'll swallow for me, right kitten?"
You grabbed his hips and pressed him towards yourself, guiding his length further down your throat.
The way he came for you… You loved watching him coming absolutely undone because of you, shooting strings after strings of warm bitter liquid down your throat as if he was marking you. Minho’s legs went limp once he reached the edge of his orgasm and collapsed next to you on the bed. You watched him for some time as he came down from his high, but you had to admit the brevity of his recovery period was indeed remarkable.
"Tsk, don't pout, kitten. I don't kick ass on the ring every week not to take fucking pride in my stamina. We have all night."
He attacked your lips again, tasting himself on your mouth like he wanted to clean you spotless.
"And it's so gonna be worth your while."
Minho slithered his hands between your legs and dragged his fingers over your core, gently teasing your entrance in the meantime.
"Ready for me to hit that yet?"
"Can't hear you."
"No," he smirked, "Taste first."
He got you in a comfortable position and wrapped his arms over your legs, spreading your lips for him tenderly.
"Time to eat.”
You wanted to fucking scream your lungs out when Minho latched himself on your clit. He was legitimately making out with your pussy, getting it absolutely soaked, teasing every spot, very very gently grazing his teeth on your lips. You were uncontrollably clenching under him.
"Tell me where your vibrator is."
"What makes you th-"
"The walls, kitten. I know you have one."
What the-
"Are you- listening to me?"
"Only all the time,” Minho licked his lips covered in your arousal, "I always hear buzzing from your place when I come home late at night. You sound so pretty when you moan my name."
You didn’t possess the correct vocabulary to describe what this piece of information evoked in you but mortified was a close second.
"Now you know exactly how many times I came in the past week alone," Minho grinned and asked again, "The vibrator.”
You eyed your nightstand to signal him the coordinates and Minho didn’t waste any time grabbing the assault weapon.
"A magic wand, huh? You got taste, kitten."
He got back to his position again and furrowed his brows with an expression akin to pseudo-confusion.
"You seem to be doing it every fucking night, though. Why don't you just come knock on my door instead, kitten?"
Minho placed another wet kiss on your thighs, "So, you're a clit person."
"What d-?"
"This," he flashed the vibrator, "I can list your deepest fantasies just by looking at the type of lingerie you own."
He gently teased your clit with the head of the vibrator without turning it on and asked you very softly.
"Ever heard of multiple orgasms, kitten?"
"Yeah. In mythology books.”
Minho laughed at your response, "Very hard feat, but you can rest assured imma make it look so easy."
This man’s gonna fucking kill me tonight.
"In that case, we should tease you around here,” he ghosted his fingers around your clit, "A lot."
He trapped your clit within his lips one last time and gently sucked on it before moving on with his master plan.
"Watch me now, kitten."
And he pressed on.
You were already so turned on because of Minho’s mere existence in the room and the intense stimulation between your legs was absolutely not the way to control yourself. You were used to this. You didn’t even count how many nights you got yourself off with the help of those same vibrations to the mere imagery of Minho in your mind, without him mercilessly teasing you beforehand. It wouldn’t even take you five minutes to climax. But considering the current circumstances…
It took you literal seconds.
"That’s it. There you go, kitten. Curl those toes for me. Ready for another one?"
You hadn’t even managed to come down from the aftereffects of that orgasm and he was telling you he was gonna induce… another one?
"Minh- I-"
"I think you are."
He gently pressed the head at your entrance this time, running the vibrator at the lowest intensity. The change of target was soothing the oversensitivity a little, but still a little hard to endure.
"One more, kitten. One more for me."
He moved the vibrator back to your clit, pushed his tongue inside your entrance instead and worked it until you came. You grabbed fistfuls of your bedsheets when you arched your back again.
"So good for me. Can't get enough of this taste. Cream on me again, come on."
"Minho, please!!!”
"Such a good girl. Such. A good. Girl. You're the dream,” he placed soothing kisses right over your crotch.
"Your scent is heavenly, kitten. Rub yourself on me. Ride it.”
You wanted to. You really really wanted to but you were trying so hard to find the required strength to do just that.
"Don't be shy,” he flashed that dangerous smile for your for the umpteenth time, knowing damn well how to push your buttons, "Come on, dom my pretty face off."
You trapped Minho’s head between your leglock and kept rolling your hips forward as he contently slurped on you, literally drinking you like he found a fucking oasis in the middle of a scorching hot desert.
"I wanna fuck you so bad but I just can't leave this alone. I might be fucking drunk on you."
Minho was relentless; he didn’t know how to hit the brakes. Not only that, you were pretty sure he wouldn’t even care what if you blacked out on him because of excessive pleasure. You were wondering just how many times would be enough for him to get him to stop.
Not that you wanted to.
"One more now."
"One more, kitten."
"Minho please-”
"One more for me."
"I’m gonna pass out."
"One more."
"PLEASE. Too much, fucking too much!!!”
You were nothing but mere dust by then. There was absolutely no way for you to keep on enduring this torture anymore.
"So fucking high on ecstasy. Just the way I like. Turn around for me now, kitten."
You were struggling to even do the simple motion of lying facedown. Minho broke you that hard. He helped you get into position while perversely chuckling to himself.
"I've been eyeing that ass for the longest time."
You felt how fucking hard he was at your entrance. Just knowing that you were able to arouse Minho this much was an immeasurable source of satisfaction for you.
"Fuck, so wet. So fucking wet. Mess all over."
He pushed himself into you slowly and you were so fucking sensitive that you were literally able to feel the pulsating veins on his cock inside you.
"Look at this shit, I just slide right in, fuck!"
"Please. Move.”
And move he did. It wasn’t even his cock doing that thing to your insides. It was how he fucking moaned your name over and over, louder each time, going absolutely feral over you.
"Fucking love how your walls claim me like that. Clench for me, kitten."
So you did.
"FUCK! Let me see that pretty face.”
Minho pulled out and swiftly turned you around for him. So easily. Like you were made of fucking paper or something.
"If you think I'm not gonna cum watching that pretty face you're fucking mistaken."
He grabbed your legs with a harsh motion, threw them over his shoulders like it was nothing, and started running to the finish line at full speed. Fucked out was not the right way to depict you anymore. You were fucking gone.
"Say my name, kitten."
"One more time. Nice and loud."
"Fucking yes. All mine. Louder, kitten."
"Baby, please. PLEASE!!!"
"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!"
At the moment of climax, both of you were moaning so loudly that it was literally impossible for the entire building not to be aware of what was going on in your bed. Minho buried himself to the hilt within you with a hard push, filling you to the brim with his load, and rode out both your highs until they receded into the darkness again. He didn’t even try to catch his breath and started covering you in small kisses in his embrace, caressing every spot on your body he could reach. You giggled.
"I've heard cats do that to leave their scent. Are you trying to mark me or something?"
"Maybe," Minho smiled back at you and kissed your temple while inhaling your scent. You looked towards your front door.
"You think they already left?"
"They should be able to read the fucking room. I was told these walls aren't exactly iron-clad."
You laughed at each other. Minho was so incredibly beautiful when he laughed. He pecked your lips again like he was unable to control a reflex.
"Which is exactly why there's no reason for us to stop now. I'm not done with you yet."
"If you’re trying to kill me, just tell me now,” you retorted, "I gotta call my lawyer to finalize the will I never got around to writing.”
Minho ran his fingers in your hair, admiring your face and in complete disbelief how it was possible for someone to be this beautiful.
"I told you we have all night, didn’t I, kitten?"

© 2021-24 Feelfolio. ⁞ Ko-fi
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